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Our Faith

                          1) Holy Scriptures: we believe in the Holy Bible that consists of the sixty-six parts containing the Old and New Testament which is a breath of God without error, full power and authority and complete control. Its word is eternal and is never outdated. (2 Tim.3:15-17: 2 Pet, 1:21).

2) God: We believe in one God who revealed Himself in three: Persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19).

(A) God the Father:  We believe that God the Father created the heavens and the earth and the laws.  He has dominion and control of all things. He is all in all and being part of the trinity is assigned the Name Father who is eternal God.  (Gen.1.1; Duet. 6:4; 1st Cor.15:28).

(B) God the Son (Jesus Christ): We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, is one of the trinities, that he is forever the son of God, fully human and fully God. We trust that he was conceived by the Holly Spirit, born in the flesh of the Virgin Marry. We fully believe in his miraculous wonder filled ministry. The lord Jesus though without sin, offered himself as a sacrificial offering for the sin of mankind and died and was buried.  He rose  from the dead on the third day, ascended victoriously and sat on to the right-hand side of the Father and is now interceding on our behalf, and will return in glory and honor to judge between the living and the dead. (Isa. 7:14; Heb. 7:25-26; 1st Pet. 2:22, Act. 1:9; 2:22; 10:38; 1 Cor. 15:4; 2 Cor.5:21; Rev. 19:11-16).

(C)  God the Holy Spirit; The Holy Spirit is part of the father and the son by its own power.  We also believe that he convicts sinners and calls them to repentance and sanctifies them in all truth (John 14:26; 16:8-11; 1 Pet. 1:2)

.3) We believe in the total sovereignty and authority of God regarding the work of creation, sustaining, revealing, redeeming and final judgment of it (Dan. 425; 7:27; 2nd Chro.20:6; Job 42:2; Mat. 19:26; Jer. 32:17).4) Regarding man

(A) The fall of man: we believe that man was originally created in the image of God to live upright and happily. God created man and woman. However, because of willful disobedience of man, God departed from him and he imposed physical suffering, spiritual death as punishment and judgment (Gen. 1:16-27; 2:17; 3:6; Rom.5:12-19).(B) Man’s salvation; When a man regrets of his sins, confesses, repents, and believes in the name of Jesus Christ by being born again, and by becoming a new creation, the Holy Spirit will work within him, and he will be saved. Thus, a sinner can fully be saved by the grace of God which was obtained by the shaded blood and the redeeming work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The saved man will then be added to the family of God by the Holy Spirit and will gain eternal life (John 3:5-6; Rom. 10:8-15; Titus. 2:11; 1 John 5:11).

5) The Church: The church is the body and the bride of Christ, the temple of the Holy Spirit that shines the light of the Gospel to the world and is a representative of God’s Kingdom on earth and is one holy church that universally includes born again individuals who became children of God (Eph. 1:22-23; 2:22; Rom. 14:17-18; 1 Cor. 4:20).

6)  Church ordinances: we believe that the church has two holy ordinances, they are:

A) Holy baptism: when a sinner repents and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, he/she then will be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit by immersion to declare his identification with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and is no longer living to the dictates of the world and his flesh (Mat. 28:19; Acts 10:47-48; Rom. 6:4).

B) The Lord’s Supper: we believe that a believer takes part in the Lord’s supper in order to declare Christ’s death until his Second Coming and his/her fellowship with other believers (Luke 22:14-20; 1 Cor. 11:20-34).

7) We believe the Holy spirit dwells within the believer once baptized. When a believer is baptized with water, he/she will receive the gifts of the Holy spirit and may receive the gift of speaking in tongue. The Holy Spirit will continue to work within the believer (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; 2:1-4; 8:15-19; 11:14-17; 19:1-7).

8)  We believe that God the Holy Spirit is at work today by allocating different gifts of grace for believers, by doing miracles with authority and power, healing the lame, casting out devils, performing other ministries, appointing ministers for the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for the growth of the kingdom of God and for the edification of the Church (1 Cor. 12:4-11; 27; Rom. 12:6-8; Eph. 4:11).

9) Holiness: we believe that holiness means separation from sin and submitting oneself wholly to God. God grants holiness to those who believes in the Lord and are saved. As the Christian has continued to strengthen his relationship with God through spiritual practice he or she will be able to grow in to becoming like Christ as he/she is sanctified by the blood of Christ and the power of His resurrection or by the Word and the Holy spirit (Rom. 6:1-11; 8:1-2; 13; Gal. 4:20; Eph. 4:12-12: Heb.10:10;14).

10)  The End of Time: We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the imminent eternal judgment of sinners and granting of eternal life for believers. When put in detail:

(A) We believe our Lord Jesus Christ’s second coming to secretly take his church and believers will be caught up in the air (John 14:1-3; Titus 2:13;1st Thes.4:15-17;1 John 3;2-3).

(B) We believe that Christ will come to reign on earth for a thousand years (Rev.20:1-6)10.3) We believe that at the end of times there will be the resurrection of the dead and some will rise to receive eternal life and others to eternal judgment (punishment) (John 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:22-24; Rev.20;10-15; 21:8)

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